安装shipping 后,实际和文档不符。请指教

安装报错 · godadada · 于 1年前 发布 · 617 次阅读

Sorry, I could not upload image and has to describe what happened. I installed and configured fecshipping ( together with fecro): the backend admin page https://appadmin.seenami.com/?url_k=extension#page1 has 'Extension Center'->'Extension Installed'->'fecshipping online'

    跨境电商 Shipping 运费扩展 fecmall fecshipping Online Installed Enable Installed

The 'Website Config' should be according to document:


But I actually have:

 'Website Config'->'Shipping Config'

It seems 'fecshipping' did effect 'website Config'->'Shipping Config'.

Please advice what could be wrong here?


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